Investor Resources

  • Resources
  • investor
  • wallets

How to withdraw from your wallet

Step 1:

  • Sign into your profile.

Step 2:

  • Click on the wallet icon in the left-hand pane to navigate to your wallet page.
  • Click on Withdraw button located in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 3:

  • Enter the amount you would like to withdraw in a specific currency.
  • Keep in mind that you will not be able to withdraw funds that have already been reserved for an investment.

Step 4:

  • You will be required to review and confirm your bank account details to ensure that the funds are transferred to the correct account.
  • If any fields are not populated e.g., bank branch code is missing, please make sure these are captured before attempting a withdrawal.
  • Click on Continue button to finalise your withdrawal request.